Glasgow-Sports-Massage is based in Woodland Herbs Clinic in Glasgow. The clinic is in the Charing Cross area, on Woodands Road. It is easily reached from all over Glasgow, being only 2 minutes from the M8 motorway. Good access by public transport, bus, train or underground is available. Car parking locally is normally pay-and-display. Spaces are readily available and cost approx 50p per hour.Approximate journey times by car from different areas of Glasgow are

Glasgow City Centre (10 minutes)
Glasgow West End (10 to 15 minutes)
Pollockshaws (20 minutes)
Coatbridge (20 minutes)
Hamilton or Motherwell (30 – 40 minutes)
Clydebank (20 minutes)
Pollok (15 minutes)
Hyndland (10 to 15 minutes)

Obviously times vary and will be longer at rush hour.

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